Yuri Vasnetsov
1900 - 1973
Yuri Vasnetsov was a treasured Russian artist and illustrator. Yuri was born in the Russian town of Vyatka in 1900, but lived most of his life in St Petersburg, where he studied art and worked as an artist and illustrator. He illustrated over a hundred books of folk nursery rhymes and fairy tales. Vasnetsov even illustrated a book of English nursery rhymes, which was published in Russia during World War II. Vasnetsov’s art work is full of wonderful colours, and captures a childhood innocence that brings smiles to people’s faces
My name is Galina, I am Yuri Vasnetsov's youngest granddaughter. I've never known my Grandfather in person as I was born 7 years after he passed away; but I'm in love with the magical world he created and his incredible talent and dream about introducing his art and name to more people around the world.
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A quick glimpse into Yuri Vasnetsov's life
Yuri was born to the family of a priest in the old Russian town of Vyatka. Fascinated by traditional clay toys and folk culture, he started painting and drawing from an early age.

After leaving Vyatka School for Boys, he moved to Petrograd (now St.Petersburg) to study at the Academy of Arts.

Yuri adored his wife and two daughters; loved a fun and artistic family celebration; fishing and mushrooming in the countryside.

He was a painter, graphic artist and stage designer, but is most famous as an illustrator, conjuring images in which animals wear beautiful clothes and have their own unique identities. Vasnetsov’s quirky and striking images take us away from modern reality to a wonderful and colourful world of fairy tale.
Vasnetsov's illustrations bring drops of magic into everyday life, using bright, playful images that take us beyond modern stresses to a time when we felt comfort and child-like innocence. The bold simplicity of Vasnetsov's style, coupled with his attention to detail make his work accessible and memorable to all ages, a perfect complement to happy moments in your life.

If you are interested in the life and work of this wonderful artist, here are some external links for you to browse:
In English:
The State Russian Museum. Introduction of the exhibition held for Yuri Vasnetsov's 100th birthday in 2000: http://en.rusmuseum.ru/benois-wing/exhibitions/exhibition-of-works-by-yuri-vasnetsov/
All Russia - website about Russian culture: https://allrus.me/soviet-russian-artist-yuri-vasnetsov/
The Animalarium Blog: http://theanimalarium.blogspot.com/2010/03/having-introduced-theme-of-russian.html
Интересно на русском языке:
Художник Юрий Васнецов и семья. Миры Васнецова.
YouTube tvpushkin Сказочный художник Юрий Васнецов:
YouTube HerzenLib Кировская ордена Почёта государственная универсальная областная научная библиотека имeни А. И. Герцена. Незвестный Юрий Васнецов. Наши поиски. Работа Швайцер Анны. Руководитель Кропанева Г.А.:
Для самых маленьких очень рекомендуем мультипликационный фильм киностудии Союзмультфильм 'Терем-Tеремок' по сценарию Владимира Сутеева на основе русской народной сказки и 'Кошкин Дом' по сказке Самуила Маршака. По рисункам и эскизам Юрия Васнецова.
Please contact us if you find any interesting information or links about Yuri Vasnetsov and would like to share them.